Buildings and Grounds Staff
Stephen Schantz
Director of Buildings and Grounds
Phone: 608-868-9200 Ext. 1821
E-Mail: sc******@mi****.us
Sarah Warren
Administrative Assistant Buildings and Grounds
Phone: 608-868-9200
E-Mail: wa*****@mi****.us
Jon Fish
E-Mail: fi***@mi****.us
Bradley Minguey
E-Mail: mi******@mi****.us
Bruce Rupnow
E-Mail: ru*****@mi****.us
Ron Westrick
E-Mail: we********@mi****.us
Five Year Capital Maintenance and Improvement Plan
A list of maintenance and improvement projects are evaluated and, depending upon budget capacity and prioritization, place don our Capital Maintenance and Improvement Plan. Below are some of the many factors that are taken into consideration by our Buildings and Grounds Department when they present the plan.
The Process:
Each year the Buildings and Grounds Supervisor meets with building principals, instructional, and business supervisors to develop a Capital Improvements and Maintenance Plan that is presented to our Finance Committee and then our full Board of Education for approval.
Recommendation Guidelines:
We closely examine and take into consideration the following factors when presenting our Capital Maintenance and Improvement Plan:
-Student Safety/Security/Regulatory Compliance
-Budget estimates provide for necessary and ongoing maintenance
-Include projects that will either improve or maintain the existing learning environment
-Tie to the Board’s adopted Strategic Plan
-Consider not only the current cost of a project, but potential ongoing maintenance and/or operational costs
-Take into consideration the level of community support (donations, and/or whether or not a referendum is necessary)
Our Goals:
-Ensure projects presented for maintenance, repair, renovation or replacement maintain an optimal learning environment
-Minimize facility deterioration; avoid deferred maintenance to prevent excessive funding needs for future remedial work
-Annually audit district facilities conditions including physical adequacy of construction, materials and fixed equipment, and instructional functional performance
-Plan short-term capital maintenance improvements
-Plan long-term capital maintenance and renovations
Capital Maintenance and Improvement Plan Documents
On March 11, 2019, Director of Buildings and Grounds Stephen Schantz presented the 2019-20 Five Year Capital Maintenance and Improvement Plan to the Board of Education. The Board of Education approved the presented plan.