Welcome to Harmony Elementary
School Hours (Regular Bell Schedule)
8:45 a.m.-3:35 p.m.
Early Release, Every Monday at 2:35 p.m.
4K Program Sessions (Tuesday-Friday)
AM Session: 8:45am – 11:45 am
PM Session: 12:35pm – 3:35pm
Welcome to Harmony Elementary School. We are the proud home of 260 exceptional 4K-3 students and families in the District, and are excited to have you visiting our school’s pages on the District’s website. At Harmony Elementary we strive to work hard in partnership with our students and families to see that students are developing strong skill sets that will serve as the foundation for their learning experiences throughout the rest of their lives. We do this by emphasizing the “Harmony Habits”, for which more information can be gathered by clicking on the left side of the navigation bar of this page. If after review of these website pages you still have questions about Harmony please contact us at the phone number listed above.
2024-25 School Supplies List
We are pleased to present Harmony Elementary School’s School Supplies List for the upcoming school year. You can access the list by clicking on the link below:
Food Menus
To see what’s on the menu for breakfast and lunch, click here.